Homesteading Inspiration from J and J Acres

YPS 11 - HEADER Jared StanleyClick Below to Listen: YPS – 11 Jarad Stanley to Air 3-19-15

Today I hope you will gain some Homesteading Inspiration from J and J Acres. More accurately from Jared Stanley! 

Jared is best known for his YouTube Channel – J and J Acres,  where he has nearly 300 videos!

He shares the adventures of his big family on a small farm as they work to become self-reliant. Jared and Jennifer homeschool their 5 children who are also learning valuable self-sustaining skills as they help around the property.  More about his life can be foudn at J and J

In addition, Jared is a certified Permaculture Designer. You can learn more about that area of his life at his website He often teaches on homesteading subjects, is a guest speaker at conferences and offers consultations to folks who desire permaculture design.  He also runs a very active and fun Facebook Page on Homesteading

No matter where you are along your homesteading and self-sufficiency journey, we hope what Jared shares will inspire you to dig in and get busy!

Keep Growing and enJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

This show is sponsored by Millers Grain House & PREPARE Magazine

Want your ad on our shows? GREAT! Send us an email!

YPS Podcast – Ready Alabama

YPS - 10 Ready Alabama Show

YPS Podcast – Ready Alabama?

John Mason ReadyAlabama

In this podcast, I’m delighted to connect with John Mason from Ready Alabama.

We had the opportunity to talk about serving people in a community before, during and after an emergency takes place.  No matter in which state you reside, you can learn some very important information in this podcast.

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Jon Mason grew up in Demopolis, AL.  He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Alabama and a Certificate in Meteorology from Mississippi State. His professional experience includes 18 years as a Meteorologist in Tuscaloosa and Birmingham.  Currently, Mr. Mason is the Director of Serve Alabama, the Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Volunteer Service.  He has been in this position since January 2011 after being appointed by the Honorable Governor Robert Bentley.  Serve Alabama provides education and outreach to faith-based and community organizations, promotes volunteerism and service, manages the AmeriCorps State program and the Ready Alabama campaign. Mr. Mason resides in Tuscaloosa, AL with his wife and three children.

Websites to connect with all that the organization has to offer and to be updated on important events and emergencies:

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YPS Podcast: History Channel’s Mountain Man Eustace Conway!

History Channel's Mountain Man Eustace Conway & Desere Need Help at Turtile Island Preserve

It is my pleasure once again to bring The History Channel’s Mountain Man Eustace Conway (who I first interviewed several years ago because of his life at Turtle Island Preserve) and Desere, office manage at T.I.P.  This is their 5th time on the air with me and they have some time sensitive info to share in which you can help by getting involved – own a Commemorative T-shirt to help build the primitive building of an historic chimney!

Also, they have a lot on the calendar coming up that you might like to join in on.  From the 2nd Families Learning Together Day on May 3, 2015 or perhaps Woods Woman Weekend you can see what’s happening at the Turtle Island Events Page

Eustace has also agreed to be our special guest on the March 11, 2015 Preparinar! Eustace will teach some of the much needed skills of living off the land, while you get to join in where ever you are located!  At the end, you can ask him questions and interact with the ‘Last American Man’ through the Preparinar’s Live Chat. Sign up HERE to be emailed when it gets closer to the time to register – it’s FREE if you attend it LIVE!  And who wouldn’t want to do that?  (:

On with the show this is it….

Listen to History Channel’s Mountain Man Eustace Conway & Desere

Disaster Hits! – Is your water safe? How to know…

Disaster Hits! Is your water safe?  Actually, it doesn’t even have to be a disaster that makes you wonder about safe water. But the bigger question is what you are to do to make sure your water is safe! 


We all like to think we know or have an idea of what to do… but there are actual guidelines and steps to securing safe water that are put out by the Red Cross. Do you know them?  If not, it’s a good thing you’re reading this NOW…

[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”90%” bg_color=”#F1F8FB” b_color=”#C1D2D9″ style=”solid” top=”1px” right=”none” bottom=”1px” left=”none” radius=”0px”]CLICK HERE NOW to sign up for a FREE LIVE Online Event Feb 12th to be assured of safe water![/wpgfxm_contentbox]


Even as recently as mere hours before writing this blog post, “The entire city of Winnipeg was under a boil-water advisory…”  Not because of a winter storm, although that can cause issues with water being safe, but because a “sampling turned up some potentially harmful bacteria in the municipal water supply. The city, which has a population of about 700,000, said the move was precautionary after six water samples showed the presence of E. coli and coliform at extremely low levels.”  But enough to issue the warning… no disaster needed. *

*Reference and image from: The Canadian Press

The truth is water is the most vital resource in a disaster situation.  A person can not last more than 3 days without adequate drinking water before his/her vital organs begin to shut down and fail.  This, my friends is life threatening!  So take every advantage to learn how to make sure your water is safe and free of all the things that could make a tough situation even worse!

Now, I’m not trying to scare you – but I am trying to help you find SOLID information to keep you and your water safe in an emergency and every day. That is why we have teamed up with expert Glenn Meder to bring you a FREE LIVE Online Event – on Feb 12th to train you to be ready!  Space is LIMITED! CLICK HERE NOW

When disaster strikes, what will you give your family?

If you register soon (while there’s still space)….  You’ll learn:

[wpgfxm_bullets bullet=”green-tick-3″]

  • How your water can become dangerously contaminated.
  • How to protect your family…while their world seems to be collapsing around them.
  • An understanding of Red Cross recommendations for treating water during an emergency.
  • What you need TO DO and what NOT to do to secure safe water!


WARNING: Space is limited and these LIVE trainings always fill up because no one else is providing this vital information!  This Feb 12th event will be no exception. We certainly hope you’ll mark your calendar and hurry to secure your space. 

[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”90%” bg_color=”#F1F8FB” b_color=”#C1D2D9″ style=”solid” top=”1px” right=”none” bottom=”1px” left=”none” radius=”0px”]CLICK HERE NOW to sign up for a FREE LIVE Online Event Feb 12th to be assured of safe water![/wpgfxm_contentbox]

Top 6 Prepper Gifts to Give or Get

This is a short list of my top 6 prepper gifts to give or to get.  Actually, if we really look at these items – it doesn’t matter if someone is a prepper or not.  They are useful and helpful for anyone! But you and I know…that giving or getting these goes much deeper than only every day use. Talk about the covert ops & how to give/request a stealth prep gift.

It doesn’t matter on which end you share these gifts … they help everyone become more self-sufficient, more organized, less system dependent and better prepared.  And speaking of ‘sharing’ … feel free to share this post with others as either a hint for your own wanted gifts (: or an inspiration that not all things prepper related are guns and ammo (:

So here are my favorites!


The Wondermill Junior Deluxe

Hands down the Wondermill Junior Deluxe is one of my most FAVORITE tools for food!  Mostly because of the versatility and the manual (no electricity required) realities.  But it is light weight, more affordable than some of the others and very VERY well made.  On SALE now + a FREE drill bit adapter ([wpgfxm_highlighter bg_color=”#0DFF0D” text_color=”#000000″]ends 11-30-14[/wpgfxm_highlighter]) while supplies last!  Free shipping too!



 The All-American Sun Oven with Prep & Dehydrate Pack

I joke and often call my Sun Oven my ‘grown up Easy Bake Oven’ but this truly is a fun tool for preparedness.  Not only is it vital for emergencies, but we use it almost once a week (winters too) because it’s that user friendly! Also we love the outcome of our food.

Since you’re getting this email,  you can use the code YPS2014 and take an additional $10 off of the sale price. Coupon code offer ([wpgfxm_highlighter bg_color=”#0DFF0D” text_color=”#000000″]ends 12-15-14[/wpgfxm_highlighter]).   Shipped without extra shipping charges.


The Soda Stream

SodaStream USA No Batteries Banner 4
The SodaStream is not only a fun item to have but for those who have just gotta have a soda it can help on a psychological scale as well to avoid the feelings of being deprived. And because it has no batteries and no need for electricity you don’t have to worry about it not functioning in a grid down situation.  PLUS even now…you can save yourself the high fructose corn syrup and loads of sugar and make tasty sodas from natural ingredients!


Then CanOrganizer

Yes. We have these light weight, easy to use Affordable Food Storage Organizers lining our shelves. They cost only a FRACTION of what the big wall units cost to purchase.  They are durable and you can easily move them or even grab and go with an entire box of food!  This is an ideal gift not only for a prepper but for anyone who wants to free up space in their pantry.


A Berkey Filter

Berkey Filters
It doesn’t matter what size of the Berkey Water Filters you choose. From the Big Berkey Water Filter to the Travel Berkey Water Filter this is hands down the most popular and most widely trusted filter on the market. Even if your gift is for someone who is on a bad municipal water system, it is still vital to have good clean filtered water in every situation.


A Generator

Camping World

Yes this does get a little more prepper-ish.  But anyone who has been without power knows the value of portable energy!  Frankly, I had a hard time choosing just one thing from Camping World.  There’s just so much that is applicable to the prepared lifestyle that I’m like a kid in a candy store!  So while you’re checking out the generators there on line …also Check out what’s on Sale at Camping World! Hundreds of Items – Huge Savings. Click here to shop!


Seriously there are so many great ideas that can be preparedness related (without offending the non-preppers) that the ideas could roll on for ever!  Feel free to comment and/or contact us if you have any questions or are looking for specific items.  If we carry it – we can beat almost every price you might find out there.  If we don’t, we can point you in the right direction to find the best deal.

No matter what gift you choose or ask for, just remember it’s all still just stuff. Take care of your relationships and your health to be best prepared!

Have a JOYOUS Holiday Season and we pray your are Blessed beyond riches this year!

Joseph & Donna Miller


PREPARE Magazine – Free digital issues.


Full Disclosure:
Please consider clicking the links in this blog post. With the minor affiliate income we earn we can continue testing, reviewing, sharing, airing shows and blogging – and ultimately – we hope, encouraging YOU.  Thanks so very much!

Your Preparation Station Radio: How do I ICE my phone?

YPS - header - ICE my phoneYou may be asking – “How do I ICE my phone?”

Well listen to this show to hear how your phone can help save your life – if you set it up right.

ICE MY PHONE – Guest Laura Greenwald

My guest, Laura Greenwald is on a campaign to help you!   She has launched the “ICE My Phone Campaign”.  This is a FREE, easy and FUN way to make sure someone can help on your behalf if you are not capable.  Better yet, it’s a way you can encourage your loved ones to set up their phones (for FREE) to help them in times of trouble.

Here at Your Preparation Station we have created this graphic  to help makeICE my phone - YPS your ICE contacts easily noticed by any emergency personnel and/or Good Samaritan who may be helping you in a time of trouble.  Click here for your FREE Kit with instructions to download this image (or other images) that helps identify people in your contacts list as ICE contacts.

Laura & I hope you will use this image and the vital information she shares in the interview in order to get in touch with family and friends and be as safe as possible in an emergency.

The ICE My Phone Campaign is just one of many endeavors of my friend, Laura.  She and her mother have been on a painful journey that has brought about much fruit in order to help others hopefully avoid similar pain.  It’s a true testament to someone when they can turn a tragedy into a driving force to help others triumph.   Please be sure to visit her websites at Get Your Stuff Together  & The Back Up Plan  for more great, free resources and to find her books.

Remember, Keep Growing and enJOY the Journey!


Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

– See more at:

Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

– See more at:

Want a Cube Stove for FREE? Listen

YPS - header SunOven free cubeThis show holds a FREE $30 Bonus for Listeners of YPS.  Yes, you read that right and when you listen you’ll hear how to get it.

I have had the joy of working with Paul Munsen from Sun Ovens International for several years and he’s been a guest on multiple shows sharing the wonders of using the power of the sun to cook.  We have a graciously offer if you’ll go to Millers Grain House or the Always Ready Store and put the secret code in the COMMENTS BOX…. when you order either package of Sun Oven packages and you will get a FREE Bonus  worth almost $30.00  – A Cloudy Day Cook Stove!!

Shipping is FREE too!

Best Blessings & EnJOY the show,

Donna Miller

Let’s connect on Facebook

This show is sponsored by  PREPARE Magazine

Listen here – YPS – SUN OVEN OFFER

Your Preparation Station Radio Show: Duct Tape 911 & Giveaway

YPS - header - Dr HubbardDuct Tape 911!

It’s as an Emergency Medical item?  Sure!  Why not?

In this episode of Your Preparation Station which airs, September 15, 2014 – I get to visit with Dr. James Hubbard who has authored both Duct Tape 911: The Many Amazing Medical Things You Can Do to Tape Yourself Together and Living Ready Pocket Manual – First Aid: Fundamentals for Survival.  Today we’re focusing on Duct Tape 911.

For years I’ve been telling folks to stock this as a preparedness item.  Both for repair and barter, duct tape has almost endless uses.  However, I’ll admit, I’d never thought of it as a medical emergency supply.  In a pinch, you can patch yourself up with it!

You can connect with Dr. Hubbard on his Facebook Page (seen in the widget for the giveaway below) and at his website: The Survival Doctor

Before speaking with Dr. Hubbard, I had the opportunity to read the book – and boy was I glad I did!  The very next day afyer reading it – I was able to put it into practice!  Listen to the show to hear what happened…

Listen to the Show Here: YPS – Guest Dr Hubbard

Don’t forget to scroll down and enter the giveaway!

Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

This show is sponsored by Millers Grain House & PREPARE Magazine

Want your ad on our shows? GREAT! Send us an email!

Also, we’d love to keep in touch via these social medias and share our journey via youtube so please, let’s connect!


Want a know when new blog posts, radio shows and videos go up? AWESOME! We love making new friends!!

Just click this button below and sign up for our newsletter updates. See you soon!


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Book Review and Giveaway!

Book Bonanza duct tape
I had the pleasure of curling up with this book for a quick read one evening over a weekend.  It didn’t take me long to become interested – but best of all it kept my interest enough to read it all the way through in one sitting.
The illustrations and easy step by step instructions help to make these ‘out of the box’ uses for Duct Tape stick in the mind of the reader.  And it’s a good thing too!  I had an even the VERY NEXT DAY that had I not read this book – may have been a bit messy!   You’ll have to listen to the show above to know what that was.
I recommend this book for a quick reference, a quick read and an easy to follow guide for things you may have never considered using duct tape.  But don’t let the ease and quickness of the book fool you – it’s packed with very very useful information.
This is a great book for a gift or to keep in an easy to grab location.  But reading it through one time sure does make a difference when you need to think on your feet.  So I suggest doing that first!

Enter this giveaway for chances to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Full Disclosure:
We hope someone from our blog is the winner!! However, if you did not win, or you’ve come by the blog after the Giveaway is finished, please consider clicking the links above  to buy Dr. Hubbard’s book(s). With the minor affiliate income we can continue testing, reviewing, sharing and blogging – and ultimately we hope – encouraging YOU.
Thanks so very much!

Your Preparation Station Show: Can you buy nothing new for a year?

YPS - header - Guest Jen GaleYPS – Guest Jen Gale Second Interview

Can you buy nothing new for a year?  Can you make do and mend literally almost everything rather than replace it?  That is exactly what my guest, Jen Gale of My Make Do and Mend Year did!

I had the joy of interviewing Jen for another radio show and realized she has so much to share for those who want to simplify and build skills for a more sustainable life – that I was thrilled when she agreed to be my guest yet again.

From Christmas gifts made by hand to making do when a culinary creation  goes wrong, Jen has such a great outlook it’s contagious!

My thought process behind having Jen on is to help inspire you to do what you can NOW, train your brain, hands and heart to avoid the monster of planned obsolescence and over stimulated consumerism.  If our society were forced to give up these now common practices – how well do you feel you’d fare?  How well do you feel those around you, who are used to the conveniences and trappings of a disposable life fare?  I think this offers us a serious opportunity to search our skill set and life choices.  I feel Jen offers many ideas and hope for how resilient we can train ourselves to be!

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FREE Digital Subscription to PREPARE Magazine



Remember: Keep Growing and enJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

– See more at:

Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

– See more at:

Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

– See more at:

This show is sponsored by Millers Grain House & PREPARE Magazine

Want your ad on our shows? GREAT! Send us an email!

Also, we’d love to keep in touch via these social medias and share our journey via youtube so please, let’s connect!


Want a know when new blog posts, radio shows and videos go up? AWESOME! We love making new friends!!

Just click this button below and sign up for our newsletter updates. See you soon!


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Giveaway: Color Coded Homeschool Planner

Wk 8 - Color Coded PlannerThis week we giveaway the Color Coded Homeschool Planner by Jennifer Osuch.  What does homeschooling have to do with Preparedness?  Well many people who homeschool their children are also on a preparedness journey.  We’ve found a great number of folks who fall into both categories.

We homeschooled all three of our children through graduation.   They did have a short public school career in elementary but they asked to come home for their education by the time our oldest reached middle-school.  Thus began my search for the best organizing and planning options to fit our style.

I had found many that did not fit and ended up kind of making up my own way of doing things for three kids on different grade levels and with different learning styles.  Boy do I wish that the Color Coded Homeschool Planner  had been out when I was at that point!

The fact that you can view each child within their color makes this a simple planner and record keeper.  If you have one child or up to four children – this offers one of the most easy ways to categorize subjects, keep records and set goals for your child(ren) that I’ve seen in print form anywhere.

Here’s a look inside:


What’s even better is that the more entries you can enter on this giveaway below (tweet about it daily to earn more entries) the more chances you gain to win!  Perhaps you can get the Color Coded Homeschool Planner  for FREE before you start the school year!    Have fun!  Hope you win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway