This is a short list of my top 6 prepper gifts to give or to get. Actually, if we really look at these items – it doesn’t matter if someone is a prepper or not. They are useful and helpful for anyone! But you and I know…that giving or getting these goes much deeper than only every day use. Talk about the covert ops & how to give/request a stealth prep gift.
It doesn’t matter on which end you share these gifts … they help everyone become more self-sufficient, more organized, less system dependent and better prepared. And speaking of ‘sharing’ … feel free to share this post with others as either a hint for your own wanted gifts (: or an inspiration that not all things prepper related are guns and ammo (:
So here are my favorites!
The Wondermill Junior Deluxe
Hands down the Wondermill Junior Deluxe is one of my most FAVORITE tools for food! Mostly because of the versatility and the manual (no electricity required) realities. But it is light weight, more affordable than some of the others and very VERY well made. On SALE now + a FREE drill bit adapter ([wpgfxm_highlighter bg_color=”#0DFF0D” text_color=”#000000″]ends 11-30-14[/wpgfxm_highlighter]) while supplies last! Free shipping too!
The All-American Sun Oven with Prep & Dehydrate Pack
I joke and often call my Sun Oven my ‘grown up Easy Bake Oven’ but this truly is a fun tool for preparedness. Not only is it vital for emergencies, but we use it almost once a week (winters too) because it’s that user friendly! Also we love the outcome of our food.
Since you’re getting this email, you can use the code YPS2014 and take an additional $10 off of the sale price. Coupon code offer ([wpgfxm_highlighter bg_color=”#0DFF0D” text_color=”#000000″]ends 12-15-14[/wpgfxm_highlighter]). Shipped without extra shipping charges.
The Soda Stream

is not only a fun item to have but for those who have just gotta have a soda it can help on a psychological scale as well to avoid the feelings of being deprived. And because it has no batteries and no need for electricity you don’t have to worry about it not functioning in a grid down situation. PLUS even now…you can save yourself the high fructose corn syrup and loads of sugar and make tasty sodas from natural ingredients!
Then CanOrganizer

Yes. We have these light weight, easy to use
Affordable Food Storage Organizers lining our shelves. They cost only a FRACTION of what the big wall units cost to purchase. They are durable and you can easily move them or even grab and go with an entire box of food! This is an ideal gift not only for a prepper but for anyone who wants to free up space in their pantry.
A Berkey Filter

It doesn’t matter what size of the
Berkey Water Filters
you choose. From the
Big Berkey Water Filter
to the
Travel Berkey Water Filter
this is hands down the most popular and most widely trusted filter on the market. Even if your gift is for someone who is on a bad municipal water system, it is still vital to have good clean filtered water in every situation.
A Generator

Yes this does get a little more prepper-ish. But anyone who has been without power knows the value of portable energy! Frankly, I had a hard time choosing just one thing from Camping World. There’s just so much that is applicable to the prepared lifestyle that I’m like a kid in a candy store! So while you’re checking out the generators there on line …also
Check out what’s on Sale at Camping World! Hundreds of Items – Huge Savings. Click here to shop!
Seriously there are so many great ideas that can be preparedness related (without offending the non-preppers) that the ideas could roll on for ever! Feel free to comment and/or contact us if you have any questions or are looking for specific items. If we carry it – we can beat almost every price you might find out there. If we don’t, we can point you in the right direction to find the best deal.
No matter what gift you choose or ask for, just remember it’s all still just stuff. Take care of your relationships and your health to be best prepared!
Have a JOYOUS Holiday Season and we pray your are Blessed beyond riches this year!
Joseph & Donna Miller
PREPARE Magazine – Free digital issues.
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Please consider clicking the links in this blog post. With the minor affiliate income we earn we can continue testing, reviewing, sharing, airing shows and blogging – and ultimately – we hope, encouraging YOU. Thanks so very much!