Learn Off-Grid Skills: Outdoor Dutch Oven Cooking Class

Yesterday we had a class that was facilitated by Millers Grain House with a Guest instructor: Carolyn Counts.  This class also reached into the Preparedness arena.  Many of the classes from MGH are designed to serve both the healthy food enthusiast and the preparedness minded.  It is our way of bringing the message of Preparation …

Have no fear, zombies are already here.

Admittedly, if there is one thing in the Preparedness circles that really chaps my hide it’s the topic of  zombies.  Other than spouting off how many guns and how much ammo we have on hand, should have on hand or need to stash somewhere (can you say: “Just put a  David Coresh shaped target on …

Preparedness Operational Security (OPSEC)

Within the Preparedness movement, there are varying degrees of Operational Security (OPSEC).  There are two things we must always keep in mind about Preparedness Operational Security:  Differing definitions and Respect. Preparedness OPSEC can be defined  mostly by two very differing views.   It is my belief that the two are not in opposition but rather …

Is Prepping Hoarding?

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to visit with a new prepping friend who had come to one of our Ladie’s Weekend Retreats.  She and I chatted and enjoyed talking about all the self-sustaining lessons we had learned and sharing ideas to help each other prepare in peace.  We were loading her small four-wheel …

Prepping beyond the tangible.

Are you storing food, sundries,  necessities and other things for an uncertain future?  This is one of the main focuses in the Prepping (Preparedness) culture today.  GET STUFF. While being prepared with a ‘good stock’ of whatever is both prudent and a wise investment given the economic climate, I believe there are many areas of …

Solar Flares, EMPs and Coronal Mass Ejection.

March 7th, 2012 was supposed to have one of the largest solar flares of the 20th century. Is this a sign of more active sun emissions or a cyclical pattern for which we had no technology prior to the last few centuries to gauge? My belief is that it is a combination of both. We …