Learn to Grow a Straw Bale Garden with My Guest, Author Joel Karsten.
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Learn Straw Bale Gardening with My Guest Joel Karlsten
I had the honor of interviewing Joel and leaving tremendously encouraged about this method of gardening. As think and prepare for my elderly years, gardening is not something I am willing to give up simply due to physical limitations and straw bale gardening sounds just like the ticket to keep at it! It is not only for the ‘seasoned’ gardener, as Joel puts it, but it is great for so many other circumstances and living environments.
He is going to be one of the speakers you can learn from FOR FREE at the Home Grown Food Summit! But you’ll want to register SOON so click this banner just below. You’ll see several people with whom you are likely familiar.

JOEL KARSTEN, a farm boy who grew up tending a soil garden like other gardeners have for centuries, shook up the gardening world with his first, award winning book, describing his breakthrough Straw Bale Gardening concept. The New York Times called Straw Bale Gardening “a revolutionary gardening method” and his ideas have been enthusiastically embraced globally, making his books best-sellers in many languages. Karsten earned a BS in Horticulture from the University of Minnesota and spends his summers tending his vegetable garden, doing research, and experimenting with new ideas and methods he can pass along to his followers.
Links to connect with Joel: