YPS – OLD Doomsday Preppers Remix
Before Doomsday Preppers began the first season, while the words “doomsday” and “prepper” were still unrelated, before this train wreck from which we cannot look away went mainstream, I had the opportunity to interview Alan Madison, Executive Co-Producer before Season One (1) had even aired back on February 3, 2011. Four (4) Seasons later, there is obviously some fascination with the show. Love or hate what it has done for or to the Preparedness community it seems that this show will be around for a while.
We re-vamped this interview (above) in hopes to shed some light on how things got started and to clear up the purpose behind the Nat. Geo. sensation itself. In the interview (Originally it aired LIVE on Feb 3, 2011 with real “preppers” chatting in real questions) Alan had some clearly candid questions asked of him and had some really insightful answers to share.
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- Why did you choose the show name to include word Doomsday?
- What do you hope to accomplish with this show?
- Do you think these folks are typical preppers?
- Are you (and your crew) catching the prepper bug?
- And many more…
I think you’ll be surprised to hear the answers.
Now you’ll have to remember as you listen, this was before anyone had seen anything more than the pilot episode. I was hopeful. Many of us who desire to educate and inspire the public toward a more self-sufficient lifestyle were. But how the tides did turn – and quickly. I personally cannot blame it on the show itself, nor the mass media. They just do what they do.
For those who are not familiar with the marketing machine of mass media – before you get frustrated with National Geographic or the Doomsday Prepper show or crew itself you need to remember some key points:
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- Television is not real life – Even a documentary or ‘reality’ tv (an oxymoron of monumental proportions) are not a complete picture. Snippets can never tell a full story and no one acts completely natural in front of a camera.
- Ratings rule – Education alone rarely sells commercial slots. You’ll hear a reference to this in the interview. The truth is that the job of media is to draw viewers, readers, listeners by whatever means works.
- “Edu-tainment” is a big deal – As a teacher I understand the need to entertain while educating lest one looses the ‘class’. Often though, keeping the balance between the two is difficult depending upon who is being reached, their personal back-ground or perception.
If it seems that Doomsday Preppers slapped the label of ‘Lunatic’ on many of us, we as a community have to be a bit more accountable first. The onus falls on us, not the mass media, to put forth a good representation of why we live the way we do! Those who promote this lifestyle and those who live it – have some damage control to do.
“How?” You may ask.
There are many, many ways… and the next issue of PREPARE Magazine (due out August 15, 2014) the entire focuses is on Removing the Stigma Associated with Prepping. Some inspiring articles, a poll of our readers with great ideas and tips and some general outlook on how to best debunk the new stereotype.
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We hope to equip, encourage and empower you when you’re faced with the inquiry we may get upon occasion: “Are you one of ‘THOSE” people??!!”
Remember: Keep Growing and enJOY the Journey!
Donna Miller
Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!
Donna Miller
– See more at: https://www.yourpreparationstation.com/your-preparation-station-radio-show-current/#sthash.kisuiFPA.dpuf
Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!
Donna Miller
– See more at: https://www.yourpreparationstation.com/your-preparation-station-radio-show-current/#sthash.kisuiFPA.dpuf
Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!
Donna Miller
– See more at: https://www.yourpreparationstation.com/your-preparation-station-radio-show-current/#sthash.kisuiFPA.dpuf
This show is sponsored by Millers Grain House & PREPARE Magazine
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