Update on Our Preparedness Adventure – Long, cold, lonely winter lessons

[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”80%” bg_color=”#F1F8FB” b_color=”#C1D2D9″ style=”solid” top=”1px” right=”none” bottom=”1px” left=”none” radius=”0px”] Little Darlin’… it’s been a long, cold, lonely winter. Little Darlin’… it feels like years since it’s been here… [/wpgfxm_contentbox] I actually do find myself singing that Beatles song when the sun peaks through now.  But it is mostly to remind me that this season …

Prepare by getting hens and chickens.

  Our newest members of the Miller preparedness plan: Four Buff Orpington Chicks (hens)! We originally wanted 3 Buff Orpingtons and 3 Black Austroloups.  But we are going to have to wait on the Black ones a few weeks. We have had the breed of Buff Orpingtons before and find it to be a prolific …