Update on Our Preparedness Adventure – Long, cold, lonely winter lessons

[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”80%” bg_color=”#F1F8FB” b_color=”#C1D2D9″ style=”solid” top=”1px” right=”none” bottom=”1px” left=”none” radius=”0px”] Little Darlin’… it’s been a long, cold, lonely winter. Little Darlin’… it feels like years since it’s been here… [/wpgfxm_contentbox] I actually do find myself singing that Beatles song when the sun peaks through now.  But it is mostly to remind me that this season …

Update on Our Preparedness Adventure – A New Chapter

It seems like we’ve been on the journey of Preparedness for a lot longer than it’s been ‘popular’ (Is it actually popular or just a new niche/fad? Hmmm)…but the truth of it all is that this journey is just that – a journey, an adventure –  not a prize to be won or a finished …

Bugging Out to Start Bugging In

What term suits your family’s preparedness plan better? Bugging Out (high tailing it out of Dodge to a safe haven) or Bugging In (hunkering down with what you have on hand and making the best of it while fortified where you are). What about bugging out and bugging in? What would that look like? For …

Bug Out Locations

Everyone who is new to the preparedness journey eventually encounters a variety of terms.  The term “Bug Out Location” is usually among some of the first new vocabulary words one learns upon exploring the world of Prepping.  Since there is no real dictionary description for a Bug Out Location it took a little bit of …