System-Reliant Disappointment

I have nothing but the utmost of respect for the FEMA agents who are sincerely attempting to do their very best in the face of disaster.  Let me be quick to clarify that my statements have NO reflection upon individuals who have attempted to work within the systems that are currently in place. The character …

Agriculture – Prices at Record High

The painful phrase “I told you so” is one I hate to use.  Unless it is being  said to someone who has already heeded some other advice we gave out early this year (January to be precise) which was “Stock up on food NOW because after the first half of the year, we suspect staples …

Are you Always Ready?

Seriously are you always ready? For anything? For everything? Completely? I think in a real world scenario, this is more of a percentage question than a yes or no question. We are often faced with a sense of  ‘never quite done’ when living the preparedness lifestyle.  I mean if this were 200 years ago, we …

Seeds of change and sustainability.

It seems that with all the talk of preparedness and food storage, there is an area that many people tend to forget:  Seeds for Sustainability.  It’s not surprising that this area is often over looked in the mad dash to stock food,  since most people are not used to growing their own food any more. …

Prepping beyond the tangible.

Are you storing food, sundries,  necessities and other things for an uncertain future?  This is one of the main focuses in the Prepping (Preparedness) culture today.  GET STUFF. While being prepared with a ‘good stock’ of whatever is both prudent and a wise investment given the economic climate, I believe there are many areas of …